Course Learning Outcomes

The Computation and Informatics in Biology and Medicine seminar course is designed to bring together trainees, trainers, and other interested faculty and students for cross-disciplinary exposure to current research in computer science, biostatistics, engineering, biological sciences and biomedical research problems related to translational bioinformatics, computational biology, biostatistics and health and clinical informatics.

CIBM Seminars

Statistical methods for improving post-licensure vaccine safety surveillance

November 22, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Genetics / Biotechnology Center Auditorium

Decoding the Human Genome by Multi-Omics in Cell-free DNA and Single Cells

November 15, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Genetics / Biotechnology Center Auditorium

This course schedule is also available at


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Biostatistics and Medical Informatics

Development and application of machine-learning methods to inferring models that characterize networks of interactions among genes, proteins, clinical and environmental factors, and phenotypes of interest

Louise PAPE

Course Credit

Number of credits: 1

How the Course Meets the Credit Hour Policy Standards: This course includes 15 hours of in-class seminars and two hours per week of out-of-class student work. This work includes studying publications and other reading materials associated with the weekly speakers as well as extensive preparation time and feedback session time for presentations given by CIBM trainees.


Students who don’t present: Those students who don’t give a presentation will be assigned an S/U letter grade based on participation and attendance. Each student will be required to evaluate the seminar speakers for sufficiency of background, presentation of the problem, understandability, explanation of methodology, suitability of the scope of the presentation for the audience, and to comment on the presentation and on insights learned. Grading will be done by the instructors. In the event that you need a letter grade, we have allowed students to write an original 10-page research paper (term paper) on an aspect of bioinformatics that interests you and that is appropriate for the Computation and Informatics in Biology and Medicine seminar course. Please check with Louise Pape on getting approval for the topic you choose: send a more detailed description of the topic that you choose to write on and a list of (some of) the papers that you will be using to review the topic. Include the following information for the papers that you will be using: Authors, title, abstract, journal, volume, pages, year. The paper is due by the start of the week of finals, and the topic proposal at least several weeks before.

Students who present: Students will present a seminar on their own research or on a relevant article from the scientific literature. The articles chosen for presentations must be approved in advance by the instructors. The students that give a presentation will be assigned a letter grade A-F based on their presentation, in addition to attendance and participation. Their presentation will be evaluated jointly by the instructors, and the grade for the presentation will be based on the quality and clarity of their presentation, taking into account their oral delivery as well as use of visual aids, their ability to explain the research problem, results and its impact to a multi-disciplinary audience and on their ability to answer questions.